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Important ladder safety tips to remember this weekend

Got a home project in mind for this weekend? If it involves working on or around ladders, it’s important that you put safety first.

Even if it’s something as simple as using a ladder to change a lightbulb or add a new lick of paint to your windowsill, there are a few things to remember to avoid any nasty accidents. To help you get it right, we’ve put together some of our top ladder safety tips.

Choose the right ladder for the job

Depending on what it is you’re doing, you’ll need to make sure your ladder is the right fit for the job. Do you need an extension ladder or will a simple step ladder do the trick? If you’re working in an environment with any electrical risks, a non-conductive ladder will be your best bet.

Check the condition of your ladder before use

It might seem overkill, but the last thing you want is to be halfway up the ladder when you realise a rung has come loose. It’s important to give your ladder a bit of a once-over before you climb it to make sure it’s in good condition. That means checking for loose rivets, and making sure that any safety features are working correctly.

Watch out for hazards

Before you set your ladder up, make sure that it’s going to be in a safe location away from any hazards or potential hazards. It should be common sense, but don’t set it up near any power lines, and be extra careful when using it in wet or windy weather conditions.

Don’t go it alone

Even if you’re doing a quick job that won’t take long, it’s important to grab a friend or family member to help you stabilise your ladder. Some ladders have helpful stabilising clips that can be secured to prevent slipping, but failing that, having someone nearby to hold onto the ladder as you climb is a good option.

Play it safe

Anything you do whilst using a ladder needs to be done properly and safely to avoid any accidents. That’s why it’s important to remember the basics. Don’t overreach or move your body outside of the stiles of the ladder, and always carry any tools you need in a tool belt.

Maintain 3 points of contact

When you’re climbing or descending a ladder, make sure you’re always maintaining three points of contact - that could be two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand. This will ensure that you don’t tumble off and land yourself in a whole load of trouble. Remember to always face the ladder when going up and down it too.

Stay safe out there everyone! And remember, if you’d rather leave it the pros, just flick us a message and we’ll get you sorted!

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